St. Martin, Saba, Anguilla, and St. Barthelemy: Pioneers,Quote re: Pioneers and Pioneering, Travel Teachers,Quote re: travel teachers, and Events; 1965-1990PIONEERS TO ST. MARTIN Compiled by Patricia Paccassi as of 1988; revised September 1994: May 2010, July 2011 CODE: PIO:=pioneer; Note: data in brackets or parenthesis is the source of my information: see source page for details SOURCES **************************************************************** PIO: 1966: September 29, Francis Foss [Griffith] USA to Philipsburg, Sucker Gardens, Upper Princess Quarter [AF/01.a] |
Francis Foss [Griffith] |
______________________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 1972: January to present (1994) Barbara Joyce, Canada to Phillipsburg [AF/31-December 1986 update] |
Barbara Joyce |
______________________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 1974: ?? to ??;Mrs. Marian Barnes, USA [PF/25-0.10] _______________________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 1977: October, to Martinique ; Roy Massey, USA to French Quarter [AF/31-December 1986 update] _______________________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 1983: ??; to January 1987, Owen Blair, US,[AF/31-December 1986 update] _______________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: see St. Martin events for explanation of cutoff date.. Patricia Paccassi ST. MARTIN EVENTS Compiled by Patricia Paccassi as of 1988; revised 1991, September 1994: May 2010, July 2011 NOTE: St. Martin is administratively part of the West Leewards, but events and travel teachers will be listed in their own file. NOTE: listed below are the NSA's who were responsible for the Leewards Islands and the dates the responsibility was assigned: NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY RESPONSIBLE FOR: ST. Martin (French)-SINT MAARTEN (Dutch) 1953 South America; 1957 Greater Antilles; 1962 Dominican Republic; *1964 United States; 1967 Leeward, Windward & Virgin Islands; 1972 Leeward & Virgin Islands; 1977 French Antilles; 1980 Leeward Islands; 1991 West Leeward Islands. *=First time listed specifically instead of being included as part of a larger grouping; i.e. "Leeward Islands" Key: LSA = Local Spiritual Assembly NSA = National Spiritual Assembly **************************************************************************************** 1967: See newsletter article on Frances Foss [NL/21.c] _________________________________________________________________________________________ 1968: Summer: Paccassi family travel teaching, meet with Bahá'ís |
Left to Right: Francis Foss, Judith Paccassi, Frank Paccassi, Catherine Rogers, Patricia Paccassi |
1968: early; 4 articles written by Loraine Landau are carried in local newspaper [PF/25-ALP-saba] 1968: Mid: First enrollment, Catherine Rogers on French side. Second Bahá'í, first on Dutch side, Louis Guy.[NL/21.h:pr.1] 1968: August, 5 enrollments for Sucker Gardens, no names given.[NL/21.h] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1971: Treasury representatives appointed 12 islands including St. Martin [AF/23] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1974: 4 November: Dr. Sirus Homayun 1974: September 22: Dr. Muhajir meets with Bahá'ís |
Left to Right: Trish Pruit, Dr. Muhajir, Joyce Owen |
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1975: Early: Barbara Joyce & Roy Massey begin 1st weekly TV series in the West Indies. Broadcasting in colour began in 1978. [PF/25-0.5] 1975: November 8-10: Bahá'í conference receives articles in "St .Martin" and extensive coverage in "Windward Island Opinion" [PF:1] Terry Madison is interviewed on TV3 West Indies [ibid] 1975: November: 1st Annual Teaching Conference held[AF/24] ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1976: A taped 15 minute radio program (daily, weekly ??) [AF/24] 1976: Terry Madison was on live TV for 30 minutes [AF/24] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1981: SA 7-12: Youth Project co-sponsored with International Goals Committee [PF/25-0.6] ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1983: ??: Amanda Wrighton builds a Bahá'í Centre on her land [AF/31] |
____________________________________________________________________________________ 1985: Late: winter school [PF/25-0.6] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1986: Nawruz: UHJ writes: "...your steady growth and maturation in years since formation 1981-despite scattered islands, difficult transportation staunchly laboured to win goals-through: 1) legal re cognition in Antigua and St. Kitts, 2) regular radio and TV in Saba, St. Martin, and Antigua, peace statements on several islands, energizing cadre of active local believers, Faith of Bahá’u’lláh has become widely known and respected on Islands" [AF/31-UHJ-C] 1986: ??: Summer School, 1-day [PF/25-0.6] __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1990: AR: regular programs on both TV & radio, and that a pioneer from Anguilla is participating in the radio programs [PF/25-0.6] **************************************************************************************************** NOTE: My goal was to trace the growth and development of the Faith in the islands from their beginnings, as far as I could find, up to the formation of each ones own National Assembly. As 1991 was the formation of the first NSA of West Leeward Islands and information is available from this time on in St. Kitts, (seat) I am using it as the cutoff date for this research document. The following years will be done by other researchers. This document is neither exhaustive nor definitive, we learn as we go, but what I have, and/or discover, will be passed onto each national office, including a copy of the forthcoming video. Hopefully, I can put this material into a form which, through the medium of oral history, will breathe the life into the bare facts and statistics. I feel that it is our stories and impressions and feelings that help to convey the enormous process that is taking place in the Bahá'í World during this period of development. I am only sorry that it was not done earlier, we have lost so many stories already. I truly appreciate all the help given to me in this research and can only hope it is helpful to others. PP...November. 1994 |
Saba:TRAVEL TEACHERS AND PIONEERS TO SABA Compiled by Patricia Paccassi as of 1988; revised 1991; November 1994, July 2011 CODE: PIO:=pioneer; PIO: 1966: November. 8 to Early 1968; Lorraine Landau, USA via Barbados. [NL/03.j, 21.g;AF/01.a] |
teaching report exists of early efforts.[pkc] ________________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 1969: August to August 1970: Joseph Bellas, from USA [AF/01.a] ________________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 1972: July. to present (94); Pauline Paul from USA to St. Johns [AF/01.a:LVi/pio-rep] |
************************************************************* CODE: TT :=travel teacher from outside national area; TTL:=West Indian travel teacher; TTP:=travel teacher and pioneer in national area; HND:=Hand of the Cause of God; CBC:=member of the Continental Board of Counsellors. ABM:=Auxiliary Board Member; NSA:=member of a national spiritual assembly: TTP: 1965: Late, Melvin Barber, [St. Thomas] [NL/03.e] |
____________________________________________________________________ TTP: 1967: September, Lorana Kerfoot, St. Thomas.[NL/21.d] ____________________________________________________________________ TT : 1974: February or March; Elizabeth Thomas [PF/25-ALP-NTC] ____________________________________________________________________ TT : 1976: March/April ??? Elizabeth Thomas, USA [PF/25-0.5] ____________________________________________________________________ TTP: 1978: January, 1 week, Francis Griffith, St. Martin [PF/25-0.5] ABM: 1978: July 4-8, Shirley Mather, St. Thomas [PF/25-0.5] TT : 1978: Early: Toni Isaac, St. Thomas [PF/25-0.5] _____________________________________________________________________ TT : 1984: May, Maryjo Clarken, St. Thomas [PF/25-0.6] TTP: 1984: May, Marjorie Harmer, St. Thomas [PF/25-0.6] TTP: 1984: May, Shirley Mather, St. Thomas [PF/25-0.6] NOTE: see Saba events for explanation of cutoff date...pp EVENTS IN SABA Compiled by Patricia Paccassi as of 1988; revised 1991, October 1994, July 2011 NOTE: Saba is linked administratively to the West Leewards, but events and travel teachers will be listed separately for each island. NOTE: listed below are the NSA's who were responsible for the Leeward Islands and the dates the responsibility was assigned: NATIONAL SPIRITUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR: SABA 1953 South America; 1957 Greater Antilles; 1962 Dominican Republic; *1964 United States; 1967 Leeward, Windward & Virgin Islands; 1972 Leeward & Virgin Islands; 1981 Leeward Islands; 1991 West Leeward Islands. *=First time listed specifically instead of being included as part of a larger grouping; i.e. "Leeward Islands" Key: LSA = Local Spiritual Assembly NSA = National Spiritual Assembly *************************************************************************************** 1965: Late, Enrollment reported happening during visit of Melvin Barber from St. Thomas [NL/03.e] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1966: April, Rídvan message calls for formation of NSALWVI at Rídvan April 1967 Opening of Saba mentioned at USA National Convention. [NL/03.g] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1967: September, Lorraine Landau has meeting in her home with slides of Holy Land, etc. shown by Lorana Kerfoot. They also go to friend's home to watch CBS film "His Name Shall Be One" from Antigua TV station on one of the 3 TVs in Saba. [NL/21.d] good story in Landau letter 1 January 1968 [PF/25-ALP-LL] _____________________________________________________________________ 1968: good stories in 3 March '1968 letter of Lorraine Landau [PF/25-ALP-LL] 1968: early; 4 articles are published in local newspaper [PF/25-ALP-LL] ______________________________________________________________________ 1976: a live 15 minute radio program (daily, weekly ??)[AF/24] ______________________________________________________________________ 1977: June 27; bill of sale for property from NSAVI [AF/24] ______________________________________________________________________ 1978: April 10: National Convention, Title deed for endowment property given to NSA, by Pauline Paul to be held in trust for Bahá'ís of Saba. [AF/24][PF/25-0.5] _______________________________________________________________________ 1980: SA 7-12: St. Martin TV show seen here [PF/25-0.5] _______________________________________________________________________ 1982: ??; Radio programs every night and 10 am daily [is this meant to be Bahá'í program?] [NL/27-11/2] _______________________________________________________________________ 1986: Nawruz: UHJ write: "...your steady growth and maturation in years since formation 1981 -despite scattered islands,difficult transportation staunchly laboured to win goals-through 1) legal re cognition in Antigua and St. Kitts, regular radio and TV in Saba, St. Martin, and Antigua, peace statements on several islands, energizing cadre of active local believers, Faith of Bahá’u’lláh has become widely known and respected on Islands" [AF/31-UHJ-C] ________________________________________________________________________ 1989: November. 30; Pauline Paul 80 years old [AF/31-AB] _________________________________________________________________________ 1990: April: Pauline Paul still having regular radio Programs & children's classes [PF/25-0.6] ***************************************************************** NOTE: My goal was to trace the growth and development of the Faith in the islands from their beginnings, as far as I could find, up to the formation of each ones own National Assembly. As 1991 was the formation of the first NSA of the West Leeward Islands and information is available from this time on in St. Kitts, I am using it as the cutoff date for this research document. The following years will be done by other researchers. This document is neither exhaustive nor definitive, we learn as we go, but what I have, and/or discover, will be passed onto each national office. Hopefully, I can put this material into a form which, through the medium of oral history, will breathe the life into the bare facts and statistics. I feel that it is our stories and impressions and feelings that help to convey the enormous process that is taking place in the Bahá'í World during this period of development. I am only sorry that it was not done earlier, we have lost so many stories already. I truly appreciate all the help given to me in this research and can only hope it is helpful to others. PP...November. 1994 |
Anguilla: Pioneers, Travel Teachers and Events:PIONEERS TO ANGUILLA Compiled by Patricia Paccassi as of 1988; revised 1991; October 1994, July 2011 NOTE: listed below are the NSA's who were responsible for the Leeward Islands and the dates the responsibility was assigned: NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY RESPONSIBILITY FOR: ANGUILLA 1953 South America; 1957 Greater Antilles; 1962 Dominican Republic; 1964 United States; 1967 Leeward, Windward & Virgin Islands; 1972 Leeward & Virgin Islands 1981 Leeward Islands; 1991 West Leeward Islands. CODE: PIO. = Pioneer Data enclosed in parenthesis (_____) refers to my source (see source link above) **************************************************************** PIO: 1969: August. to February. 1970; Jeffery Lewis, native Grenadian, first West Indian pioneer. |
Jeffery Lewis |
( I have November 1 '1969, to early 1970 in PF:3, dates need to be verified) ________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 1975: October: Darlene Hodge, St. Martin [PF/25-0.5] |
Darlene Hodge |
_____________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 1976: September. to April 1977; Jeffery & Marian Barnes, ,[Robert 2] [AF/01.a] Check all this again?? Check!! Marian reported to leave area May & September 1984 [PF/25-0.6] ______________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 1980: November, Ida McCray, USA. [PF/25-0.5] ______________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 1983: Naomi Blair, US left for USA [when did she arrive?] [AF/31] PIO: 1984: Summer? Aubrey & Betty Redling, USA [PF/25-0.6] ______________________________________________________________________________ PIO: 85: April: Donald Grubb, USA [PF/25-0.6] PIO: 85: April to April 88: Harold (& Daisy?) Ashby, USA [PF/25-0.6] ******************************************************************* TRAVEL TEACHERS TO ANGUILLA Compiled by Patricia Paccassi as of 1988; revised 1991; October 1994, July 2011 CODE: TT := travel teacher from outside national area; TTL:= West Indian travel teacher; TTP:= travel teacher & pioneer in national area; HND:= Hand of the Cause of God; CBC:= member of the Continental Board of Counsellors; ABM:= Auxiliary Board Member; NSA:= Member of a national spiritual assembly. Data enclosed in parenthesis (_____) refers to my source (see source link above) ***************************************************************** 1967: November. NOTE: NSA advises against any travel to Anguilla due to unrest in the area. [NL/21.d] ________________________________________________________________________________ 1968: January. NOTE: NSA rescinds travel restrictions to Anguilla TTP: 1968: Early; Francis Foss of St. Martin [NL/21.f] [NL/21.e] _________________________________________________________________________________ TTs: 1977: December 15-January 15 2 weeks, Elizabeth & David Thomas [PF/25-0.5] __________________________________________________________________________________ ABM: 1978: June 28 - July 1, Shirley Mather, St, Thomas [PF/25-0.5] TT : 1978: January-June, 2 weeks, Elizabeth Thomas, USA [PF/25-0.5] __________________________________________________________________________________ TT : 1983: November, Gol Aidun, Canada [PF/25-0.6] ************************************************************************************** |
ANGUILLA EVENTS: 1980: Saturdays 7-12pm: St. Martin TV show seen here [PF/25-0.5] |
Major movers of St Martin's TV Show: John "Jody" Owen, Barbara Joyce, Bob Phillips |
___________________________________________________________________________________________ 1985: Late: Winter School [PF/25-0.6] ********************************************************************************************** St. Barts: Note: The only information available at this date (January 2010) is the 2 photos below taken at a Convention held there in 1976 |
L to R: Darlene Hodge, Sandy Egerer, Terry Madison |
Standing: l to r: Terry Madison, ___, CBC Alfred Osbourne, ___, Francis Foss, Jody Owen, ___, Daniel Cauillaud, Louis Guy, Tom Millington, Marjorie Harmer, ___ |
Authorization for publishing your material about our National Area on Caribbean History website. Published with permission of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Leeward Islands Date: 2 May 2012 Location , Address: Baha'i Centre, Upper Nevis Street, St John's, Antigua This information and these sources are either from our archives, our newsletters, interviews conducted by people we trust, and or personal files in which we have confidence Afsaneh Franklin Secretary |